Monday, November 15, 2010

Research Entry


The topic I decided to write about is Bulimia. Above are the links to the sites I found on Bulimia. The first link if from SIRS. There are various articles on what Bulimia is, how it can be treated and it also includes some stories of people who have/had Bulimia. Some stories are about girls and their obsession of being skinny. It's actually really scary to read about.

The second link talks about what Bulimia is, what causes it, the signs of Bulimia, and a lot more information. On this site, I found that Bulimia isn't just about food and being skinny. It also has to with stress and uncomfortable emotions. Many things can trigger Bulimia. Women in the US are always feel pressured about their looks. Skinny women and girls everywhere make it harder for other women to feel good about their own bodies.

In the third link, I learned the different effects you can have when you have Bulimia. Instead of actually losing weight, you get the exact opposite and gain weight. You can get broken blood vessels in the eyes, you can become very weak and dizzy. You can rupture your stomach or esophagus.

Bulimia is a very scary thing. Fortunately, it can be cured. Nobody should feel bad about what their body looks like. No one should every become Anorexic or Bulimic just because they feel so badly about themselves. Everyone is unique in their own way and that's a good thing.

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